Endowment Opportunities

Weill Cornell Medical College invests its endowment funds to provide ongoing support for top priorities such as innovative research programs, world-class faculty and the best and brightest students.

Weill Cornell’s endowment has grown steadily over the years as alumni and friends have sought to help secure the school’s well-being. Donors to endowed funds become an essential part of the Weill Cornell family by supporting those outstanding faculty members, fellows, students and institutional resources that keep Weill Cornell at the vanguard of research, medical education and patient care. Listed below are several endowment opportunities available at Weill Cornell.

Named Faculty Positions

Department Chair / Divisional Director $5,000,000

Divisional Directors and Department Chairs are institutional leaders who set forth the vision for their large, multidisciplinary centers, recruit top-tier faculty, and carry out their own scientific projects. These endowments allow Weill Cornell to provide support and retain elite faculty members, specifically designated to support these top-tier leaders.

Full Professorship $3,000,000

An endowed professorship is among the greatest honors that can be bestowed on an individual at the Medical College. Embodying the highest standards of service, an endowed professorship provides indispensable salary and other support for a superior member of Weill Cornell’s faculty to address the critical teaching, research and clinical challenges of medicine. Professorships may be established in the basic, research or clinical sciences.

Clinical Scholar, Research Scholar or Education Scholar $1,000,000

These endowments are designed to provide valuable junior faculty members with financial support early in their careers. Support is provided specifically so that young physicians and physician-scientists can balance patient care with research and teaching activities. These junior faculty endowments are appointed on a three-year basis, which can be renewed for an additional three-year term at the Dean’s discretion.

Named Scholarships and Fellowships

Postdoctoral Fellowship $1,500,000

The postdoctoral fellowship serves as an intermediary stage between the completion of the M.D. or Ph.D. education and assumption of a full-time faculty position. Postdoctoral fellows perform biomedical research in laboratories throughout the Medical College. Endowed postdoctoral fellowships, which support the salary and related needs of the holders, will strengthen the research training program at the Medical College.

Predoctoral Fellowship

(Ph.D. candidate) $300,000

Pre-doctoral fellowships are vital to strengthening our biomedical research training programs for doctoral students. An endowed pre-doctoral fellowship enables Weill Cornell to support the expenses of a student who is pursuing a Ph.D. in a basic science discipline within the Graduate School of Medical Sciences.

Medical Student Scholarship $50,000

Endowed scholarship funds enable the Medical College to provide financial assistance for its exceptional medical students, many of whom go on to become leaders in the field of medicine. Endowed scholarships allow Weill Cornell to recruit the very best medical students, and help the school remain at the forefront of medical education.

Other Endowment Opportunities

Director / Dean’s Discretionary Fund $100,000

These funds can support a variety of initiatives, including clinical, research or education support; equipment acquisition; and faculty recruitment, retention and support.

To learn more about additional opportunities to support students, faculty and programs at Weill Cornell Medicine, please contact Rebecca L. Rutherfurd, Executive Director of Fundraising Strategies and Campaigns, at 646.962.9571. 

Contact Us

Rebecca L. Rutherfurd
Executive Director of Fundraising Strategies and Campaigns
(646) 962-9571
[email protected]